All the sudden it hit me, my little princess was growing up too quickly! In just two short weeks she will be turning three! Where has time gone? I can still remember bringing her home from the hosiptal, she was such a little peanut. Next, came her first birthday party which was a ladybug theme. We released over 3,000 live ladybugs. Yes, it was great. Its funny how a simple little ladybug can take me back to such great, loving memories.
It just amazes me how fast they grow. I am so thankful for each and every adventure that we share together and I am looking forward to many more! Mommy and Daddy love you little peanut!
It does go too fast! I remember when the kids were toddlers the days would seem long (but not in a bad way) but the years just disapeared. We try to do a lot of family time together because I want to soak them up as much as possible!
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